Becoming Triumphant Overcomers in Turbulent Times – 4 PART SERIES
This 4-week series is a deep dive with Brad Cummings (author, producer, publisher) pulling back the curtain on the big plan of Salvation and what God is doing in the Earth.
Where are we in His unfolding timeline, what is happening, and what we can do about it? Despite all the fear, doom and gloom, we are called to become triumphant overcomers in turbulent times. Fear Not! We are not alone and there are concrete reasons for our having Hope and Courage that “the best is yet to come.”
“Unashamedly, this is the most important material I have ever had a chance to share, and it couldn’t come at a more critical time than this.” Brad Cummings
Details for each episode below:
1) Where are we in the unfolding of God’s Plan:
Truth in packaging laws for what is on the horizon. Fierce, demon-filled, perilous times will come… why? A time of sifting, testing and refining in the “crucible” of God. What is God doing, why is He allowing this? What is happening in the Middle East – who is who and why does it matter? What is God saying to us in
the Two/Three Great American Solar Eclipses: Salem, Nineveh and the Cross of Peace. (Laying the groundwork: What is happening? What is not happening? And what can we do about it?)
2) Recognizing the Roadmap in the Feasts of the Lord:
Understanding their prophetic meaning and how they apply to us, and what is going on in the earth. God’s plan for salvation:
understanding the 3 tenses: past, present and future; Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles.
Understanding the power, hope, and clarity for the road ahead that the Feast of Tabernacles is meant to provide. Reframing our understanding of the End Times and the purpose of Jesus’ Second Coming. What is the Millennium, what is its purpose and where will we spend eternity – and why does it matter. God’s Awesome 3-Act Drama. What is His purpose, promise and plan for All Creation.
3) What is God Looking for? Becoming Overcomers
Who are they, what matters & how is it that God leads us in triumph. Understanding “judgment” – needed wisdom before
facing the Judgment Seat of Christ; the lessons and promises to the Overcomers in the Letters to the Seven Churches: Having ears to ear, eyes to see, and a heart to know and respond.
Knowing who God is, who you are and who we are called to become is about as vital/critical as it comes. Addressing 3 of the most terrifying verses in the Bible for believers. Becoming faithful servants; qualifying for the First Resurrection from the dead and what’s at stake.
4) “The Best is Yet to Come” – Where do we find and anchor our hope?;
The call and promise to Be of Good Cheer/Take Courage. If the call to courage is a command, what will empower that to come to life inside me? Is the future “fixed,” is it a done deal? A: both yes, and no. The real question is what will I do about it. Looking for and hastening “the Day of the Lord.” Be confident: Mystery Babylon will fall. Regardless of what the tyrannical elite rulers of this world, the WHO & Big Pharma and its sorceries, the lying Main Stream Media, and the corrupt international banking cabal, etc. may do, we are not powerless and we can posture ourselves before the Lord in such a way that we cannot lose. If you understand what matters most, nothing can stop you.