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Doctor, Speaker, Educator, Consultant


Doctor, Speaker, Educator, Consultant



As seen on our Happy Hour Series Podcast

Spirit of the Antichrist: The Gathering Cloud of Deception

This four-week series exposes the Luciferian Conspiracy to usher in a one-world political, religious, and economic system that will be led by the future Antichrist. Satan, his evil spirits, and his human accomplices have been trying desperately for thousands of years to unseat God as the Ruler of the universe. These co-conspirators are ever so close to accomplishing their goal of a great Satanic reset, short-lived though it may be! In this series we will discuss the historical and biblical proof of this conspiracy and how the stage is being set for Satan’s global takeover.


Scroll through to see what you will get with these 4 amazing episodes!


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Part 1:
The Totalitarian Tiptoe–Exposing the Luciferian Plan for Full Spectrum Global Control (Part One)
The phrase “the totalitarian tiptoe” is common among those who study the Luciferian Conspiracy. It refers to the methodical, intentional, and usually secret march toward complete planetary control by the elites. The Luciferians, Satan’s earthly accomplices, have shifted into high gear, especially in the last three years, as they get closer and closer to the end game in their plan for global enslavement. This session explores the role of Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum in this conspiracy; the role of human government throughout God’s plan of the ages; and America’s role in the Luciferian plan.


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Part 2:
The Totalitarian Tiptoe–Exposing the Luciferian Plan for Full Spectrum Global Control (Part Two)
This session continues our focus from week one on the Totalitarian Tiptoe by exploring historical evidence for the conspiracy and the role of biometric surveillance in the coming planetary control grid. We will also provide some practical guidelines for responding to the totalitarian tiptoe. What can and should believer’s do?
Want to follow along with the book?  Order your copy HERE 


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Part 3:
Bloodlust–Exposing the Luciferian Depopulation Agenda (Part One)
Satan and his earthly cronies love death. Jesus told us Satan was a murderer from the beginning (John 8:44). This session explores the Luciferian love of death and the sordid, horrific history of child sacrifice. The Luciferian depopulation agenda is real, and it is in high gear.


Want to follow along with the book?  Order your copy HERE 


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Part 4:
Bloodlust—Exposing the Luciferian Depopulation Agenda (Part Two)
Continuing our discussion on of the Luciferian bloodlust, this session explores the spirit of perversion, eugenics, the gene-altering bio-injections, and the U.S. government’s documented history of intentionally harming its own citizens. We will also provide some practical guidelines for responding to the Luciferian depopulation agenda. What can and should believer’s do? 


Want to follow along with the book?  Order your copy HERE 


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Meet Your Instructor:
JB. Hixson is a nationally known author, speaker, and radio host, with more than thirty years of ministry experience in the pastoral and academic arenas. Recognized for his expertise in the area of Systematic Theology, Dr. Hixson has a passion for communicating important theological truths from God’s Word in a clear and easy to understand way, and for helping others learn how to study the Bible effectively for themselves.
Dr. Hixson has served on the faculties and adjunct faculties of nine colleges and seminaries. He earned his B.A. degree from Houston Baptist University, Th.M. degree from Dallas Theological Seminary, and Ph.D. degree from Baptist Bible Seminary.
He is the author of eleven books including: 
  • Getting the Gospel Wrong:The Evangelical Crisis No One is Talking About; 
  • The Gospel Unplugged: Good News Plain and Simple; 
  • The Great Last Days Deception: Exposing Satan’s New World Order Agenda; 
  • What Lies Ahead: A Biblical Overview of the End Times; 
  • Top Ten Reasons Some People Go to Hell; 
  • Weekly Words of Life;
  • NBW Book of Theological Charts, Diagrams, and Illustrations; 
  • Freely By His Grace: Classical GraceTheology; 
  • Spirit of the Antichrist: The Gathering Cloud of Deception Volume One; and 
  • Spirit of the Antichrist: The Gathering Cloud of Deception Volume Two.
Dr. Hixson has contributed to many theological journals, magazines, newspapers, and other print and online media. He is a regular contributor to Harbinger’s Daily, and he has had multiple appearances on Christian television and radio shows such as Understanding the Times with Jan Markell, Prophecy Watchers with Gary Stearman and Mondo Gonzalez, and Christ in
Prophecy TV with Tim Moore and Nathan Jones. J.B. is a regular guest on Stand Up for the Truth radio with David Fiorazo and the Christian Underground News Network podcast with Curtis Chamberlain.
When he is not traveling for speaking engagements, he is usually in the pulpit at Plum Creek Chapel in Sedalia, CO where he serves as the Lead Pastor. If you ever find yourself in the Denver metro area, please join us at Plum Creek Chapel for a Sunday or Wednesday service.  J. B. and his wife Wendy have been married for thirty-one years and have six children and one granddaughter. 
For more on JB Hixson and to order his books go to