In this series you will learn:
Part 1: The Shinar Directive
In the ancient plains of Shinar, an evil was born: the first world king, the prototype transhuman, the Son of Perdition – Nimrod. In Babylon, the Son of Perdition devised the Shinar Directive: the enslavement of humanity and the war against the God of Heaven. God’s intervention at the Tower of Babel only delayed Nimrod’s hellish plans. As the powers of Mystery Babylon gather to create the new Tower of Babel and to prepare for the Son of Perdition’s return, Heaven is issuing a clarion call to the Remnant: Know the strategies of the enemy, untangle yourself from them, and become the victorious Church!
Part 2: The Sheeriyth Imperative
In the Shinar Directive, we journeyed down the Luciferian rabbit hole to discover the matrix of darkness that has engulfed the planet. It would seem the exoteric societies have nearly fulfilled Nimrod’s dark directive. However, the Almighty will not allow the enemy to bring his “A” team for the final showdown without responding with His own. God is raising up people around the world that are shaking off their techno-sorcery induced, spiritual slumber and are answering Heaven’s call. There is an end-time empowerment coming for God’s remnant – His Sheeriyth. Hell may have its directive, but Heaven has its imperative! The Sheeriyth Imperative is a tactical manual for God’s Remnant in the Last Days.
Part 3: The Kingdom Priesthood
Now is the time to unveil the mysteries of both the Priesthood of the Kingdom of God and the priesthood of darkness. Until these mysteries are understood, God’s remnant cannot realize their purpose or be released with heaven’s power to overcome the agenda of the fallen denizens of the Second Heaven. The Kingdom Priesthood is a training manual for the remnant to discover their priesthood, their purpose, and their service to Almighty God.
Part 4: Bloodlust—Exposing the Luciferian Depopulation Agenda (Part Two)
Continuing our discussion on of the Luciferian bloodlust, this session explores the spirit of perversion, eugenics, the gene-altering bio-injections, and the U.S. government’s documented history of intentionally harming its own citizens. We will also provide some practical guidelines for responding to the Luciferian depopulation agenda. What can and should believer’s do?
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