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In this interview, Barbara and Dr T share extensive information on the following:
the 1986 Childhood Vaccination Act; Learn about the law of Liability Protection. Do you fully understand it?
there were amendments made to that law. Was it weakened or strengthed? and due to whom?
learn how the 1986 Act is still available to us but in danger of removal at any given time
What does it mean to track ‘Hot Lots’?
the vaccine booklet for injury compensation that Barbara herself had a hand in creating
the manipulation of the vaccine injury program
Did the Supreme Court fold to the big names?
a simplified explanation of what happens when the Liability Protection is withdrawn
how Barbara feels about vaccine mandates and it’s comparison to Nuremberg
learn what NVIC offers the public
how NVIC Advocacy can help individuals in a personalized manner
the sudden and shocking shutdown of all her sites even after she sat on the advisory boards for an extensive period (22 democrat members wrote letters to take her and her institutions down) – #followthesilenced
About my guest:
In 1980, Barbara Loe Fisher’s oldest son suffered a convulsion, collapse, and brain inflammation within hours of his fourth DPT when he was two and a half years old. He was left with multiple learning disabilities. This led to the formation of National Vaccine Information Center, a non-profit charity she co-founded with Kathy Williams in 1982. The NVIC has long been the center of vaccination education, leading the way for parents to make informed decisions about vaccines before proceeding with the shot schedule.
For the past four decades, Barbara has led a national, grassroots, public information campaign, advocating for change in public health policies to protect children and adults. She has testified in Congress and state legislatures on vaccine policy and law. She has provided a series of written and oral public comments on vaccine science and policy issues for federal and state health agencies. She is well-known as one of the world’s leading non-medical, consumer advocacy experts on vaccination and human rights.
National Vaccine Information Centre (NVIC) website:
National Vaccine Advocacy website:
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