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A verse to live by

'Rejoice in hope, be patient in trouble, and be persistent in prayer'

- romans 12:12

Substack Appreciation

Thank you so much, Dr. Tenpenny. This is exactly the kind of analysis that I have been seeking- a clear chronology of the legal framework supporting the unprecedented authoritarian response to a “health crisis,” without distracting conspiratorial language. I also take inspiration from your Sunday devotional messages. You’re obviously guided by the Spirit, and you are a blessing to me.

Mother Mott

re Substack articles

Thank you for helping us take a stand, armed with knowledge. You helped me take a stand at work against these jabs and I always tell everyone about you. I love your vision and passion to heal and help the world be a better place. Bless you Dr Tenpenny. 🙏🏼💕

Micki Marie

re Substack articles

Wonderfully written and informed article! Thank you,for all your hard work even when the tides push against you. You are one of the few heroes among us. Thank you for looking out for us and cutting a pathway for those of us out here looking for that path. The truth is often hard to chew much less swallow, but it will always lead us correctly.


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