Reading Revelation as Literature
4 Part Series with Author, Doug Van Dorn
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This four-week series will help you understand how to read the book of Revelation as literature. When you understand how John wrote it, suddenly its central message allows you to make sense of the rest of this deeply mysterious book, especially the supernatural elements that most find so very strange an enigmatic.
Meet Your Instructor:
Douglas Van Dorn is a pastor with a Master of Divinity from the Denver Seminary. He has pastored the Reformed Baptist Church of Northern Colorado since 2002. He helped start the Reformed Baptist Network and has served on boards of two associations of churches. Doug has been the co-host of several radio shows and podcasts, and is currently the host of “The Iron and Myth podcast.” He is a prolific writer and researcher – I’m so looking forward to what he has to teach us about this important topic.
See below for episode details.
***All proceeds go to Pastor Doug Van Dorn to support his work and continued research

Week 1: The Rings of Revelation
We look at an ancient form of writing called ring composition and how Star Wars can help us understand Revelation. We then turn to looking at the literary “rings” of Revelation and how this helps us understand what John is writing by pointing us to a central teaching of the book.
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Week 2: Revelation and the Gospel of John
Building on the literary composition of Revelation as illustrated by Star Wars, we take a look at how John’s Gospel and Revelation are actually meant to be read as a single book with the same central teaching. This in turn helps us begin to understand the mysteries of the Apocalypse in surprising and staggering ways. We will focus at the end of the binding of Satan in Rev 20.
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Week 3: Reading Revelation Part I.
Having the tools to see the central message of Revelation, we turn to the first half of the book and look specifically at some of the more supernatural elements found in its pages. We will look begin in Revelation 12 and the birthday of Jesus. We will look at the letters to the churches and how they relate to the planets in the sky and at the heavenly throne room with its four living creatures and myriads of heavenly beings present there.
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Week 4: Reading Revelation Part II.