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About my guest:
Most will recognize David Stephan from making international news headlines over the agenda driven exploitation and coverup of the death of his son. Behind the misleading mainstream media headlines, David Stephan is a natural minded libertarian who recognizes that the antidote to the problems we face in society today is in our return to the natural order of God’s creation.
Over the past 21 years, David Stephan has worked extensively with Truehope, a research based organization on a mission to provide individuals with natural, drug free solutions for overcoming mental illness. As part of his involvement with Truehope, he has not only been involved in leading edge discoveries that have astounded researchers and empowered thousands to live happier, more meaningful lives, but has also found himself at the forefront of the health freedom conflict with the Canadian government time and time again.
The past 12 years, David has spent a considerable amount of time, traveling across Canada educating thousands on the dangers of GMO’s, agricultural chemicals and psychiatric drugs accompanied by their toxic effects. More importantly, he has educated thousands on the research behind proper nutrition significantly improving mood and brain function, allowing tens of thousands to become medication free while feeling substantially better.
Today he is largely involved in educating on the necessity of self sustainability and off grid communal living, in order to free ourselves from our dependency on big government and the corporate elites.
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